Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Back Pain

Last week I started having low back pain.  Was bound to happen sooner or later.  I'm not getting any exercise and about all I do is sit.  My muscles are getting weaker all over, my core muscles aren't getting any exercise except getting up from the couch or chair to my walker, my posture is poor, and I can't really go anywhere.  I strain to move around in bed and have started using a pillow for my lower back for those nights I try to sleep in the recliner.

I'm having much more difficulty getting to my feet from a seated position, and I have almost fallen several times in the last week.

There is a Pilates exercise machine downstairs, but I haven't been downstairs in over a month. It's too large to be upstairs.  We bought a more compact vibration plate exercise machine that was delivered a week ago and Kim's brother Pat put it together for me last night and is set up in my bedroom.  I hope to start using it some this week.

I had Botox injected into my cheek muscles when we were in Hershey a few weeks ago go see if it would help with my jaw clenching and teeth grinding, but it didn't make any difference.  I feel like I am about to break the rear molar on my upper right jaw.  I can't wear a mouth guard due to my gag reflex, so I should just go ahead and see a new dentist in State College so when it does finally crack or break I have someone who can extract it for me.


  1. Awww! That was tough! Having back pain while being tormented with gag reflex problems can really be infuriating. Consulting a chiropractor can really help you, in order to know your condition and what measures you should take for it. I hope you're faring great, Jim! Thanks for sharing that! All the best to you!

    Agnes Lawson @ Pain Relief Experts

  2. I have never been to a chiropractor before this year, and I look back and wonder why it took me so long to finally make that appointment. I was under the impression that if you go once you have to go back each week to keep everything in line. I was so glad I stopped listening to those who have nothing good to say about these experts.

    Jacqueline Hodges @ Dr Koziol
