Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday, Reading Roger Childs Blog - What Can You Say Posting

Kim and I had a nice, relaxing morning.  Sat in the sun room reading the paper and enjoying the sunshine.  I cut the grass this afternoon and dug up the roots of another of the 5 bushes that Chuck and I cut down in June.  Two are now dug up and I'm close on the third.  Started digging around the fourth today.  The last two I have to be more careful because the gas, electric, phone, and cable all run directly underneath them.

I've been reading through Roger Childs blog.  Roger is a long term survivor of ALS - diagnosed in 2005 and still kicking today.  For the first five years he was pretty mobile, and he worked with Jeff Probst on a TV show about living with ALS in 2010, which was in my previous link.  After five years the disease started affecting his arms, but his legs and speech were still pretty good for a while longer. 

I think that the posting is very beneficial for everyone to read.  If you are were newly diagnosed with ALS, it is a MUST READ. 

From Roger Childs Blog: What Can You Say

In many ways Roger's posting sums up my approach to dealing with this terrible disease.  Make every day count, find your courage, don't give up, be strong, have faith, be hopeful, make a difference, share your love, get involved, and help others every chance you get.  None of us know how many days we have to live, so live your life to the fullest and encourage those around you to do the same.

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