Monday, October 12, 2015

october update

this is my first update since i lost my ability to use my hands to type.

i have now lost my ability to walk and use of my hands as well.

i am using a tobii dynavox system with eye gaze tEchnology to type each letter which is slow and tedious but better than not being  able to communicate.

it is a loaner to see how i like it. i tried a different system on friday that seemed promising also but i will be several weeks before i can have a loaner.

in the meantime i have tobii system for a while longer.  it tires my eyes but i get a little better every day.

 special thanks to jessica, elijia, andjamie from psu for providing more manual communications boards and facilitating the vendor demos and equipment loans!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jim, it was great to see you at the PAGIS conference last summer! You are a very good and brave man. A mutual friend at the conference mentioned he understood you believe there could be a connection between the ALS and a flu vaccine you had. Is this true? Feel free to answer or not as you see fit.
    Warmly, Ben Lewis
