Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Intense Acupuncture, Week 3

On Friday, I lay on my back and we punctured my toes, the inside of my cheek, and under my tongue to bleed me with a large bore hypodermic needle.  Then we focused on my neck area.

She also gave me the formulated Chinese herbs I had been waiting for in a pickle jar with the instructions to take twice a day after eating, morning and evening.  They are coarsely ground and look kind of like sea oats.  To be sure that I wasn't allergic, she asked me to start with a teaspoon Friday night, and then a heaping tablespoon for each subsequent dose if I wasn't allergic.

She warned me it wouldn't taste good, and it was okay if I mixed it with orange juice.  It smelled horrible, and tasted significantly worse!!!  I didn't have any OJ Friday night so tried adding to cranberry juice.  It was lumpy, smelled terrible, and I had a terrible time swallowing it.  It took me about 15 minutes to work up the courage to try it.  I ended up with whole pieces of bitter and pungent herbs in my mouth and I actually vomited part of it back up it was so terrible.

Saturday morning I took two loads of stuff from the basement to the Salvation Army and got some OJ on the way back.  It was better when I mixed it with OJ as she suggested and ground it up in my NutriBullet, but I still didn't have the liquid/herbs mix correct, so there were chunks left at the bottom of the glass that I couldn't swallow and stayed in my mouth and almost made me throw up again. 

Fortunately, in a few days I have gotten better at the consistency and quantity of juice that is required to grind it up in my NutriBullet and get it down quickly and in a single breath.  If I have to come up for air and then swallow the rest of it, the taste is horrendous.  I told Kim on Saturday that it was like trying to eat vomit!  I now have a glass of water and some mouthwash standing by to get the taste out of my mouth as quickly as possible.  The smell when I open the jar doesn't make me gag anymore, so I guess I am adjusting.  I will finish the last of what she gave me tomorrow morning and she will have more for me when I see her tomorrow.

On Monday, I lay on my stomach and we did the "mosquite bites" procedure on my upper back, where she jabs me very quickly many times with a regular hypodermic needle to get my back to bleed.  I could feel the rivulets of blood on my back and some ran down the side of my neck. 

She followed this up with heavy duty suction devices and left 3 large "pepperoni" marks on my back, two on the right side of my spine and one on my neck.  They hurt a lot worse today than they did yesterday.  Then she had me flip me over on my back again, worked on my neck to try to affect my speech, swallowing, and jaw muscles, then pricked my fingers, and vigorously massaged my ears to affect all of the acupressure points.

No noticeable differences yet, although my swallowing seems slightly better.  It is still taking me longer and longer to get through a meal.  Hopefully after a few weeks of being on the herbs and the intense acupuncture we will start to see a difference!  Keep those prayers coming!

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) in summer of 2018, my symptoms started out with a “foot drop” on my left foot, from there my left leg lost all muscle tone followed by slurred speech and inability to eat without getting choked, strangled, and coughing. My neurologist prescribed me some medications to help my symptoms but the medications did no good and their side effects were too severe. In 2019 i started using Peter ALS Herbal formula treatment, I read a lot of positive reviews on their success rate with the ALS Herbal treatment and I immediately started on the treatment. Just 10 weeks into the ALS Herbal formula treatment I had great improvements with my coordination, speech, breathing and muscle movements. I have basically gone stronger than I'd thought I could ever be again. having similar symptoms? send a message to them at peterwiseherbalcenter@gmail.com or WhatsApp Dr Peter directly on +2349059610643 . The fatigue and general muscle weakness had also declined, this treatment is nothing less of a miracle!
